Need some help? Here are some places to go for help using Ranked Brain.
- I don't know how to do something
- Try our knowledge base which explains how to use the most essential features of Ranked Brain.
- Raise a support request. If you can’t find the answer to your question, you can contact us. We are here and happy to help.
- Something isn't working
- Raise a support request.
- Something else?
- Raise a support request.
How to contact support
Anyone with an Ranked Brain user account can contact us through our ticket system to receive email support.
- Navigate to the Ranked Brain Customer Care Portal and log in.
- Enter the subject and description of the issue. You may also attach files to your request.
- Click Submit.
After submitting your request, you'll receive an automated email confirmation with your ticket number. We will research your issue and follow up with you via email.
Support hours
With resources on two continents, we're available around the clock Monday through Friday, excluding major holidays, and weekends for emergency support.
Emergency downtime/phone support
Emergency support is provided 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
If you can't access your account for any reason, you can send us an email with your support request instead.
Providing the right information in your request means that your questions or issues are addressed as efficiently as possible. Check out our Tips for creating an efficient support ticket KB article to learn how you can help us help you.